Current Meaning of the Magen David 6
The legend about the origin of the emblem 7
The Jewish emblem versus the international emblem 8
Whose emblem is it ? 9
Non-Jewish usage of the six-pointed star 10
Chapter 1 - Before Christian Era
Sumerian Culture 11
Minoan Culture 12
Megiddo 12
Treasure of Nimrud, Iraq 13
Gibeon: Greco-Roman Period 13
Chapter 2 - The first Millenium CE
The Star of Jerusalem; Roman Era 14
Bacchus temple at Baalbek, Lebanon 15
Capernaum; Ein Yael 16
Sufa; Khirbet Carmel; Eastern Orthodox 17
Roglit; Vermand 18
Synagogue of Shura; Mildenhall Treasure 19
Village of El-Makr; Jericho, Israel 20
The Dome of the Rock 21
Damascus; Dome of the Chain 22
Offa King of Mercia 23
Chapter 3 - The second Millenium CE
The Leningrad Codex 24
Cairo Genizah; Cambridge University 25
Raziel’s Book; Armenian Church 26
Rachel’s Grave in Tiberias; Lalibela 27
Ayyubid Coins; Crusaders’ Coins 28
Mamilla-Mamluk Cemetery 29
Prague 30
Sabbioneta 31
David Ganz 32
Aristotle 33
Bury St Edmunds 34
Catholic University of Leuven 35
The Spanish Inquisition periods 36
Before the Expulsion; Kennicott Bible 37
Qait Bey Citadel; Bakhchysaray, Crimea 38
Tarot 39
Moghul Architecture 40
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent 41
Barbarossa's flag 42
Free Masons 43
Mogador; Jewish Wedding Stones 44
Prince Albert memorial 45
Santa Croce Church in Florence 46
Chapter 4 - The Contemporary Period
Theodor Herzl's newspaper, Die-Welt 47
Zionist Flag In Tel Aviv; Zion Mule Corps 48
Flowers from Jerusalem; Lamel School 49
Messiah’s house 50
Bob Marley Graffiti 51
Yellow Badges 52
Jewish Brigade 53
Mormons 54
Anti- Israeli Propaganda 55
In every generation men rise up to destroy us 56
Copyrights and Footnotes 57-64