Saturday, October 02, 2010

American Hexagrams  

One dollar bill since 1935  shows 13 pentagrams arranged in the shape of a
Hexagram as on the Great Seal of the United States
Photographed by me

Hexagrams on the Great Seal of the United States
arranged in the shape of a
From 1782 untill 1841
(In the 1841-Die there are 13 pentagrams for the first time)
Picture from 
Entry: Great Seal of the United States

Hexagrams on the Presidential Seal from1885
arranged in the shape of a

Picture from en.wikipedia
Entry: Great Seal of the United States

Hexagrams were a common motif in the 18-19th century also on
American coins stamps and  flags

 SILVER DOLLAR Hexagram 1891 
  Copyright: Oded Israeli

Black Hexagram around the number 5 on James A. Garfield stamp 1881

Braggs Corps flag 1862
From Wikimedia Commons File:Braggs_Corps