Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ice Star of David

There's a strong connection between the Menorah and the Star of David. Israeli researcher Uri Ofir claims the Menorah is the origin of this Jewish national emblem. I searched for Menorah on Flickr and got a few hundred results, out of which I chose those that showed the Magen David. This one is surely the most interesting since it is made from ice...

Picture is courtesy of Azyxa who wrote me:

I took a photo of it because it was a beautiful and impressive ice sculpture. No more, no less.

May David's Shield Protect You

May David's Shield Protect YouPicture is hoto courtesy of Ingrid who published it on Flickr under the cool title: May David's Shield Protect You, which sounds like the famous line from Stars War "May the Force be with you".
Ingrid added on her Flickr page that the photo shows the house of mourning In Cologne, Germany built in 1929/30 in neo-classicistic style by architect Robert Stern.
This morning I got the following e-mail from her:
By chance I discovered a little Jewish cemetery in Cologne, hidden under old trees, a magic place. I liked and still like it very much and my interest in the history of Jews in Cologne arose. Once having started I discovered more and more; I visited the synagogue (Roonstrase) and the cemetery in Koln-Bocklemund and I collected some information about Jewish rites of burial. I took the photo some time ago and I uploaded it just now because I wanted to underline my wish that God may protect little Israel in these bad times.


This amazing Star of David work is published here courtesy of Dzeni who published it on Flickr photo sharing software under the title Magen Sky. Dzeni added there that "This one may end up as a greeting card"
Dzeni wrote to me the following:
The Stars in question are fractals and were created with a
lovely little program called "Apophysis".
I don't know what fractals are and how Apophysis works but I do know that like this photo...a lot.


Theresienstadt Star of DavidPicture taken by Pierre Friedmann from Flickr who wrote to me the following:

This Star of David was shot outside the Theresienstadt concentration camp in the Czec Republic. It stands as a part of a small memorial in what used to be - if I am not mistaken - the town's morgue. The memorial consists of numerous empty ash boxes which can also be seen in the background.