Monday, June 18, 2007

Knot Rope

Postage Stamp logo Magen David Israel An amazingly successful design of a knot rope in the shape of a Star of David on the Israeli scouts jubilee Stamp.

Window Grill Istanbul

Window Grill Istanbul Magen David
Photo of a peculiar rounded Star of David in a window grill at the Beit Israel small synagogue, in Istanbul's Sisli neighborhood; courtesy of Doc Kozzak who published it on Flickr. The synagogue was the target of a terrorist attack on November 15 2003. Completely destroyed at the time of the attack, it was almost rebuilt since. The district is mainly Christian, but Jews and Moslems live there too.

Aviva Beigel, Infusion

Aviva Beigel Israeli art
Photo of a yellow badge in a detail from a work by Artist Aviva Beigel titled infusion is courtesy of the artist.
Title:Blood connection
Iron grid, plastic wires, and ceramic figures.
The work deals with the connection between people, what do one give to the other, especially if they belong to a family. Each figure has a characterization of its own and one figure has a yellow badge as a characterization of its nation. The figures are bound to steel – they are not free.
Copyrights: Aviva Beigel 2007