Photo of an artwork demontrating the
origin of the star of david is courtesy of Tzfat artist Reli Wasser
who realized my idea to connect the shape of the
Magen David to its ancient original meaning.
The product started from a few illustrations of Jerusalem artist Dvorit Ben Shaul
and continued with glass models by Maayan Feigin
. Legend has it that the
Star of David decorated the shield that King David had in his battles against his enemies. But when he fought Goliath, he defeated the giant with no protection: he just had his sling shot and his faith. His shield was not a physical object - his shield was his faith!
Jewish tradition maintains that Psalms are the work of King David. In Psalms, whenever King David prays to the Lord, using the word "shield", the coin "Shield of David” is created.
The product is available in a few versions and there will be more versions in the near future.
All rights reserved to Reli Wasser 2007