The Chinese Yin Yang symbol represents unity of the opposites as well as the Magen David, which represents (among other meanings) the same idea. Here they appear in combination. Combination of symbols like this is a special phenomenon worthy to serve as subject to study, separately from the phenomenon of the symbols that appear next to each other that I mentioned many times when they appeared alongside the Magen David I mean symbols like: White lily, Menorah, Herzl, Amazons’ Shield, Cross, Swastika. Thanks to Dobush From Kfar Aza for directing me to this picture and to the rights holders: Tact-Records.com 2008
Some people see only the good (Zionists), some people see only the bad (anti-Semites). What's needed is a sense of totality, or completness, and balance, or equi-librium. BTW, since today we celebrate St. John the Baptist, could You tell me what kind of role he plays in Judaism, if any? Thanks and God bless, and a Happy New Year, all 365 days of it! :-)
Greetings friend. Does the Israeli hip hop music company you reference here actually hold a copyright to this symbol, the Yin Yang Magen David? And if so do you believe it is enough for me to simply reference them if I reproduce the image or do you believe I should contact the record company for permission? It seems a little odd to me that such a simple design that anyone could have easily created can be copyrighted. Indeed, I saw an identical or near identical design many years ago on a free source art page on the internet. Thanks,
IMHO you should contact the record company for permission
I apologize for contacting you again. I have gone to the Tact-Records website and have attempted to send them a message through the site, to no avail. Do you have any suggestions of how to possibly contact them? Also, if I subscribe to your posts on this wonderful blog is this essentially the same as "following" it. I am more use to the follow mechanism but if clicking the "subscribe" prompt allows me to be aware of any new posts you may make to the blog that will make me equally happy.
Thanks you,
If I were you I'd rather pick up another logo...
"following" is good enough - Thanks
Thank you for all your help and suggestions. I appreciate them very much. I am also very much appreciating this blog of yours. Thank you for creating it. Is the book you wrote on the star of David in English (Star of David Album) still in print?
Also, I am not desiring to use the Yin Yang David Magen as a logo. I simply wanted to place a representation of it on one a my webpages. I am a psychologist, writer and spiritual teacher. I have a interest in symbology, specifically symbols related in one or more ways to religion, spirituality and global wisdom traditions.
Thanks, again,
Yes - I can sell you the book. Please send your regular mail addresss to my Email (on my profile)
Thanks for the encouragement and for your interest in my work.
Can I Have Permission to use the logo any show it to others?
Please ask
They are the (c) owners - not me
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