Photo is courtesy of Dr. Rina Kamenetsky
Head, Department of Ornamental Horticulture
ARO, the Volcani Center,
Bet Dagan,
Dr. Kamenetsky discovered that the Nurit flower bulb cells look under a microscope as a Star of David. I wrote to her that I believe this story is like a good poem about the blossoming of the desert and she answered that after the first publication of this information she received many letters, some of them related to the Zionist significance of this research. For example:
one of the American writers, Sylvia Kohn Dreyfus, used the motif of the native Israeli buttercup (she called it the Flower of David) for the cover of her book of poetry "An American Jewish Perspective", published in 2005. I received this book from the author, but I am not sure that you can find it in Israel
Dr. Kamenetsky concludes her letter by saying that for her
however, the focus is mainly scientific, and I hope to continue my research on this most interesting plant, which can survive under severe climatic conditions of complete drought