The following paragraph is from Dr. Asher Eder’s book The Star of David, which was published in 1987 in English in Jerusalem by Rubin Mass Ltd. The publication here is courtesy of Oren Mass.
Let us consider the six-pointed star as consisting of two equilateral triangles. The triangle is the simplest conceivable plane figure with distinct points. While in mysticism the number four and the square represent the created world, the number three and the triangle represent the various possibilities resulting from the division of the One into two. The One Creator brought about these possibilities by the very act of Creation.
If, for the sake of argument, we depict the Creator and the Creation each by a dot, then the line connecting these dots denotes the relationship between them, the relationship between "above" and "below":
Indeed, the creative power is purposefully directed, and manifests itself in forms. As life needs form in order to express itself, so does the primordial creative power (,אל el) act, and appear, as Creator (elohim) in Creation. Creation is not an act which was performed only once in the distant past, but is rather a continuous and perpetual process - "God renews the work of Creation every day", say our sages. Interestingly enough, the Hebrew word for Creation, briah, conveys this idea. Its end character (heh), as in any other words written with it, indicates an inclination or movement towards something. And modern scientists admit:"... the stability of matter is a pure miracle when considered from the standpoint of classical physics." It is this constant renewal which sustains life and causes the appearance of new forms, adding a horizontal, "expanding" aspect to Creation. When we become aware that a continuous act of Creation brings into being new entities which continually evolve, we can visualize the number three emerging from the line connecting dots One and Two.
Since these continual changes occur only within the framework of laws established for the world, we, being subject to these laws, cannot draw the third dot as an extension of the line connecting dot One to dot Two. Rather, by setting it beside these dots, we form a triangle in which each point represents an aspect as it relates to two other aspects of a certain force. We draw the triangle with both sides of equal length in order to express the harmony between these different aspects...
In our context, the triangle may be seen as the symbol of a power field, while two triangles, as in a hexagram, represent two related power fields. The two primordial power fields would, then, be the creative force of the creator symbolized by one of the two triangles, while the creation and the forces invested in it would be marked by the second triangle. The interlacing of the triangles, then, indicates that Creator and creation cannot be separated; one can't be without the other. They are a unit: One.