Lotus and Hexagram in a Nepalese Decoration of Honor which was established in 1966 by King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev.
This blog (by Zeev Barkan) is dedicated to the Star of David, its history, its various meanings and usages in different cultures. It includes thousands of pictures of Star of David, six-pointed stars, hexagrams, Solomon's Seals, Magen Davids and yellow badges,and served as a resource for three books and four art exhibitions.
which is found in the literature, that King David adopted this form as his emblem because of its special form which fitted his name. In ancient Hebrew (Daatz writing) the letter "d" (dalet) was written in the form of a triangle and in the name David there are two triangles (two characters of d).
However, those that refuse to repent from their apostasy in the Christian church (read Babylonian whore church) today have produced an argument that can best be described as damage control. It provides no historical references, no anecdotal data, no footnotes, and a couple of very contrived scriptural references. It goes something like this:
In the Hebrew alphabet, the letter for the letter "d" is called a dalet, and it looks triangular. Since David's name had 2 dalets in it, the ancient Israelites used two dalets, with one of them turned (which would loosely approximate a hexagonal star), to represent that they were the armies of David.
There is no scripture that states this. There is no archeological find that states this. There is no Jewish commentary that states this. There is no ancient inscription in any language, country, or era that states this. There is no historical reference of any kind from any nation that knew of this supposed connection. In short, it's pure speculation. Damage Control.