Photo of the Star-of-David-shaped shadow of an olive tree in a field of poppies in the Galilee in the North of Israel is courtesy of Tzfat artist RELI WASSER
For those of you who do not recognize the Israeli national symbol in this shadow I can only quote the poem
Knights in ink stains
Castles in folding clouds
Reality is in the eyes of the beholder and if Reli says there is a star in this shadow I’m sure she sees it. Readers who find other
stars of David in other shadows of other trees are encouraged to send them to me to publish.
This Photo is part of “
Star of David” exhibition in Tasha Gallery, 42 Frishman, Tel Aviv, Phone: 972-50-6565552 which will be open from 25 July 2007 until 25 August 2007.
All rights reserved to RELI WASSER 2007