Sunday, June 03, 2007

Exceptional Jewish Identification

Photo is courtesy of "GodzillaRockit" who published it on Flickr with the caption:
Some guy on the bus had a Star of David shaved into his head.
Many guys on the bus have tattoos on their body; many guys on the bus have a Kippa (Jewish cap) on their head, but it seems that this is the only guy on any bus that have the Star of David shaved into his head.

Another Kite

Picture is courtesy of Hanan Cohen who published it on Flickr under the title Magen David by the Shavit family (in Holon, Israel). This is the second design of a Star of David Kite that I publish here and when I'll find more such designs I'll publish them as well. This design is national in its choice of colors.

The Secret Of Interlacing

Photo is courtesy of omnia who published it on Flickr under the title "tomatoes" and shot it in the market of Kolimpong, India. What attracted me to this infinite grid of Stars of David is that it shows clearly how the interlacing of the equilateral triangles that comprise this symbol is made, because when you see it carved in stone, like in Capernaum, it is hard to guess.