Sunday, February 03, 2008
Star of David Equals Swastika

Photo is courtesy of artist Ora Reuven, who added her drawings to a photo she took in Jaffa, where she grew up, which was ones a mixed Jewish-and-Arab neighborhood, but now almost all the Jews left, and those who stayed mark their homes with a Star of David.
Interestingly, one may see similar blue Stars of David on the walls all around the Palestinian Authority areas; those were made by proud settlers, expressing their conviction that Israel is strong. Here, in Jaffa, the same emblem suggests Weakness…
Copyright © Ora ruven
Jewish Ghetto in Jaffa

Photo of Stars of David on the houses of Jaffa is courtesy of artist Ora Reuven, who added her drawings to a series of photos she took in Jaffa, where she grew up, which was ones a mixed Jewish and Arab neighborhood, but now almost all the Jews left, and those who stayed mark their homes with a Star of David.
Copyright © Ora ruven