Star of David appears on a metal crochet by Yael Falk who discovered that when a pomegranate has an ending of six it creates a Star of David.
Copyright: Yael Falk 2008
This blog (by Zeev Barkan) is dedicated to the Star of David, its history, its various meanings and usages in different cultures. It includes thousands of pictures of Star of David, six-pointed stars, hexagrams, Solomon's Seals, Magen Davids and yellow badges,and served as a resource for three books and four art exhibitions.
Star of David appears on a metal crochet by Yael Falk who discovered that when a pomegranate has an ending of six it creates a Star of David.
Copyright: Yael Falk 2008
Reddish Star of David in a circle appears on an artwork by Israeli artist Drora Weizman (b. 1956) titled “Closet With Kits For Seeing a Wonderful Thing”.
Size: 63 X 29 X 14
The work presents all kinds of redemption sensors.
Copyright: Drora Weizman 2008
Zoom in by clicking the ALL SIZES icon above the picture in Flickr.