Monday, June 09, 2008
Star of David Car Pendant

Judith Weinshall Liberman: REVOLT

All rights reserved to author-artist Judith Weinshall Liberman.
This is one of author-artist Judith Weinshall Liberman’s sixty wall hangings about the Holocaust. It is 52” tall and 64” wide (132 cms by 162 cms), was created in 1989 and is one of Judith Weinshall Liberman’s 45 Holocaust Wall Hangings in the permanent collection of the Temple Tifereth Israel in Cleveland, Ohio. This wall hanging points out some of the camps and some of the ghettos in which Jews, weakened and terrorized though they were, rose in revolt against their tormentors. The ghettos where Jews joined together to strike back at the Nazis are represented in this wall hanging by the black patches, while the camps where this occurred are represented by the red patches. An upraised hand holding the Star of David indicates revolt. This work incorporates block printing, stenciling, sewing, applique, embroidery and beading.
The shimmering silver fabric on which the upraised Star of David is block printed symbolizes the glimmer of hope and contrasts sharply with the matte gray checked background fabric. Shiny red glass beads are scattered over the area of the map, symbolizing bloodshed.