Photo of hexagram on a church door at Almeria, andalucia Spain, dated 1741 is courtesy of "evissa"
This blog (by Zeev Barkan) is dedicated to the Star of David, its history, its various meanings and usages in different cultures. It includes thousands of pictures of Star of David, six-pointed stars, hexagrams, Solomon's Seals, Magen Davids and yellow badges,and served as a resource for three books and four art exhibitions.
Some think that the central star was originally thought of as an opening, not a star, which represented the cave in which Elijah sheltered when the Lord appeared to him as the still small wind.
I am a Mosaic Artist and this was an early piece of mine. It has hebrew text cut from an old hebrew childrens book decoupaged on the surface. It is then covered with hand cut stained glass tiles and grouted. The grout was sealed with a gold leaf finish.