I intend to publish here, on this web site, Book-covers of The
Protocols of The Elders Of Zion
which contain the
Star of David. I think such a collection will be a good demonstration to the Anti-Semites’ hate of the Star of David, which equals in its intensity the love of the Zionists and the Pro-Zionists to the same emblem.
On the cover of the edition of the Patriotic Publishing Co., 1934. Chicago, there’s a red Star of David with the Hebrew letters of the name of the LORD. (Photo is courtesy of Wikipedia).
On the cover of the Spanish-language edition published in Mexico City in 2005 there’s a Star of David in the center of a hand while on the fingers there are the signs of Dollar, Cross, Swastica, Communism, and Free-Masons.
Ota Ryu published in Tokyo, 2004 a Star of David above a crow with human face that looks like an Orthodox Jew.
On the fromtpiece of Nilus 1912 edition there’s a Star of David alongside occult symbols that read: "Thus we shall win", "Mark of antichrist", "Tetragrammaton", "INRI", "Tarot", "Great mystery".