Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Nessim Sibony: 700 Stars of David on youtube
Star of David on the wall of Jerusalem's Old City
Solomon's Seal in the parking lot opposite the entrance to the Rockefeller Museum
Solomon's Seal in Jaffa Gate
In the center
Surrounded by another Solomon's Seal
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Hexagram as part of a Mandala from Tibet

Gudrun Bühnemann is a Professor at the Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In her book, Mandalas and Yantras in the Hindu traditions (2003) there’s a chapter about the hexagram, where I found some info that was new to me (but I didn’t find an answer to the question about the origin of the Indian hexagram).
P, 43
The hexagram (satkona, sadara, tara) - Begley [1] 1973:85 notes that the word star, Tara, appears as a synonym for satkona
My Note (zeevveez): the sound of the word "sadara" id also close to he sound of the word "star".
[1] Begley Wayne Edison, Vishnu's flaming wheel: the iconography of the Sudarśana-cakra, New York University Press for the College Art Association of America, 1973
P. 44
In Budhist Tantrism the word "evam" is thought to be represented by two intertwined triangles...Kolver discusses the shapes of the letter e and the va which were remeniscent of downward pointing and upward pointing triangles around the sixth century C.E. and were visualized as hexagram... when Vagra-yogini is described as situated “in evam” this means that she is visualized inside a hexagram.
In descriptions of the symbolic shapes (mandala) of the elements the hexagram represents the element wind.
In the hexagram the deities are often worshipped at the points of intersection of the two triangles…
P. 45
In Budhist traditions hexagrams appear especially in mandalas of Vajra-Varahi / Vajra-Yogini.
According to Nath 1975-1976:78 the hexagram is also found in Indian temples, especially in Rajastahn were it is believed to have been associated with the worship of Siva and Sakti.
The hexagram appears in Islamic monuments of North India. Its center features a point (bindu) a lotus or a dancing peacock. (Nath 1975-1976:74-75).
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hexagrams at the Herakleion Museum Crete

In 1902 Arthur Evans discovered two stars of david’ on a mural plaster at the Court of Distaffs in a palace in Knossos. Now they are exhibited in the fresco storeroom of the Herakleion Museum.
Singapore - Six-pointed Star Body Piercing

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Navaho Hexagram 1904

Saturday, August 07, 2010
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Star-of-David Object
Monday, August 02, 2010
Crunk Gang Hexagrams