Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Muslim Solomon Seal in Krimea

Basel Münster Cathedral

Large Star of David on the window of the Basel Münster, which was built between 1019 and 1500 in Romanesque and Gothic styles.
Picture is courtesy of mightymightymatze from Flickr
Friday, May 29, 2009
Star of Goloka

He cites from “the oldest known Vedic literature, Sri Brahma-samhita” [Discovered in the 16th century but there’s no mention of its date of composition]:
“The center of the divine lotus is the core — Krsna's residence… is mapped as a hexagonal mystic symbol [sat-konam]...The great mantra of eighteen syllables [Gopala-mantra], which is formed of six integral parts, is manifest as a hexagonal place with six-fold divisions.” [Sri Brahma-samhita, Ch-5, Tx-3]
“The core of that eternal holy abode which is called Gokula is the hexagonal land of Krsna's abode. [Sri Brahma-samhita, Ch-5, Tx-4]
According to Wikipedia [entry “Goloka”] Goloka is Krishna's heaven (souls return to the material world again and again to perfect themselves and go to Goloka). Etymology: “Goloka means the world of cows. The Sankrit word 'go' can refer to either cows or star”.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The First Known Book-Covers with Magen Davids

The First Known Book-Covers with Magen Davids are:
”Beur al sefer Shaarei Dura” by Rabbi Joseph Ben Rabbi Moshe from Kremnitz, which was printed in Prague in 1609. In a similar design were issued in Prague in 1611 the books " Imrei Binah" and “Mekor Chokhmah".
Thanks to Eli Eshed, journalist who calls himself a "culture detective", for directing me to this piece of information.
See: http://www.notes.co.il/eshed/
Daniel Putík from Flickr:
Just to let you know that a Magen David does appear on the front page of a Siddur printed in Prague by Gershon Ha-Kohen (Katz) as early as 1512. Unfortunately, I can not find a picture now. My father wrote a study about this. Alexandr Putík, "The Origin of the Symbols of the Prague Jewish Town. The Banner of the Old-New Synagogue. David's Shield and the Swedish hat“. Judaica Bohemiae vol. XXIX (1993).
Fleur-de-Lis on Printers Marks

The printers from the Giunta family printed in Florence and Venice from 1480 to 1598
Pictures are copied from
Gutenberg project: Printers' Marks, a Chapter in the History of Typography by William Roberts, 1893Haarlem Hexagrams
Hexagrams appear in the printer’s mark of Jacobus Bellaert from 1483- “the arms above the Griffin are those of the city of Haarlem”.

Coat of arms of Haarlem, the capital of the province of North Holland
From Wikipedia Commons courtesy of Mcke
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Fleur de Lis, Esneh Temple, Egypt

Hexagram as a Homonym
One of the factors that complicate researching the Star of David symbol is that the Hexagram is the name of a few different things:
A. The six-pointed star (Star of David)
B. The Unicursal hexagram (drawn unicursally)
C. The name of each of the 64 yin-yang diagrams in the Chinese Book of Changes (I Ching)
D. The name of a large silver coin issued by 7th century Byzantine Emperors (Heraclius, Constans II, and Constantine IV)
Picture is courtesy of Saperaud from Wikipedia entry Hexagram (coin)

Saturday, May 23, 2009
King David's Shield - Potential source of the legend

Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Chicago Flag Tattoo

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Solomon Seal on Ethiopian Crown

Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Indian Hexagram Ritual

From: Inman, Thomas (1820-1876) Ancient pagan and modern Christian symbolism (1884)
Sri lantra [Yantra] is an ancient Hindoo [Hindu] emblem. The circle represents the world, in which the living exist; the triangle pointing upwards shows the male creator; and the triangle with the apex downwards the female; distinct, yet united. These have a world within themselves, in which the male is uppermost. In the central circle the image to be worshipped is placed. When used, the figure is placed on the ground, with Brahma to the east, and Laksmi to the west. Then a relic of any saint, or image of Buddha, like a modern papal crucifix, is added, and the shrine for worship is complete. It has now been adopted in Christian churches and Freemasons' lodges.
Star of David in a Synagogue predating the expulsion from Spain

The Synagogue of Santa María La Blanca in the old Jewish quarter of Toledo, Spain, was Toledo's oldest and largest synagogue. It was built in the 12th century. Right under the columns there is a geometric latticework forming a Star of David (hard to notice). Style: Mudéjar (Moorish) . The Moors were Muslims who remained in Spain after the Christians overtook the country.
Picture is courtesy of FayeB6 from Flickr.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Swastikas that predated the Indian Swastikas

Commonly, we say that the Nazis adopted the Indian swastika, but today I understood that apparently they took it from the people of Troy in the aftermath of discovery of the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, 1822-1890 who found Troy in his excavations in Turkey. He made a connection between swastikas from Germany Troy and Iran in the frame of the Arian racial doctrine in his book:
Schliemann, Heinrich , Troy and its remains, London: Murray, 1875
In the above picture, we see ceramic disks from this book. These disks are dated to the third century BCE, and are apparently the most ancient swastikas known to archaeologists. Interesting to note that the Indians received swastikas from neighboring countries only hundreds of years later.
See: http://sacred-texts.com/sym/mosy/mosy06.htm
See there also a map of the distribution of the swastika
This map certainly arouses my envy, and I hope that some day we’ll have a similar detailed map of the distribution of the Star of David.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 08, 2009
Fleur de Lis Tattoo

I chose the Fleur de Lis for two reasons, first it is Navigators North on many old sea charts, and I wanted something other than an N above the Compass Rose but the second and main reason is that my first born son was born in New Orleans last year. New Orleans has adopted the Fleur de Lis as the symbol of the city and its people. So my navigators north is not only authentic, it also points to the place of my son's birth.
Copyright: Aaron Aviv 2009
The Fleur de Lis (Lilium Candidum, lily) has from above the exact shape of the Star of David. That's why in Jewish tradition it represents the six directions. However, why and how did it start representing the North, which is only one of the six directions? I think that it has to do with the THREE MAGI (also known as: Three Wise Men, Three Kings, or Kings from the east) who were guided to the house of Jesus in Beth-Lehem by a star (the pole-star?)
Star of David Made from Bricks

Thursday, May 07, 2009
Christmas or Sukkah Decoration