Stars of David appear on this delegate card for the 4th Zionist Congress in London
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From Flickr
This blog (by Zeev Barkan) is dedicated to the Star of David, its history, its various meanings and usages in different cultures. It includes thousands of pictures of Star of David, six-pointed stars, hexagrams, Solomon's Seals, Magen Davids and yellow badges,and served as a resource for three books and four art exhibitions.
Stars of David appear on this delegate card for the 4th Zionist Congress in London
Courtesy of
From Flickr
A six-pointed star appears on the reverse of one of the coins of Herod the Great (73-4 BCE) along with a military helmet, wreath, and two palm branches.
Obverse: a tripod, a bowl and inscriptions: “Herod king” “year 3” (37 B.C.E.)
Drawing was copied from the Jewish Encyclopedia entry: helmet.
Thanks to Dobush who referred me to this image.
Actor Russell Crowe plays the roll of Jewish Police Detective Richie Roberts (with a Star of David necklace) in the 2007 film American Gangster .
Star of David made from two equilateral triangles: one is ordinary, while the other contains human figures.
Created by: J. Gershony-Geyer, Israeli German artist, who wrote to me that
The work visualizes a hypnotized walk of our people to an unknown future
Copyright: J. Gershony-Geyer 2009
Artist Aaron Morgan, 65 year old native New Yorker, created this collage in 1976 depicting a period of six critical years in which the meaning of the Star of David changed drastically: 1944 (Holocaust), 1946 (British Mandate) and 1948 (Independence). Usually we pay attention to 1944 and 1948 as opposites: Death and revival, Diaspora and Home etc, but the period in between was typified by the strong will to establish a state of our own and the Star of David expressed it impressively.