Monday, December 31, 2007
Ridges to the Horizon

Let My People Go

Haifa designer Hayim Shtayer shot this photo of a blue on white Star of David on a “Let My People Go” sticker, and the sticker is part of his collection. It was used during the successful campaign for letting Soviet Jewry immigrate to Israel after Six Days War.
Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007
This time a Government with Shinuy
Haifa designer Hayim Shtayer shot this photo of pale green Stars of David inside the Hebrew letter Shin on an election sticker with the words: “This time a Government with Shinuy”. The sticker is part of his collection. Election times are prone to excessive usage of our national emblem, as well as Independence Day, and it is pushed to every groove, even if it is not a must.
Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007

Sunday, December 30, 2007
I live in Israel

Soviet Union Kids Forest

Haifa designer Hayim Shtayer shot this photo of a blue Star of David with a red Soviet Union star on a “Let My People Go” sticker. The sticker is part of his collection. It was used during the successful campaign to let Soviet Jewry immigrate to Israel after Six Days War.
The graphic design is fascinating: the transition from suppression to freedom is expressed by adding one point to the five-pointed Soviet Union star and by changing its color from red into blue. The transition is represented by the red arrow that prolongs the Hebrew letter Lamed.
Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007
Marry Christmas

Haifa designer Hayim Shtayer shot this photo of a Star of David with the words Marry Christmas. I published already a few Stars of David ןn connection with Christmas, but they were all abroad. It is important that Israelis will understand that this emblem is important to other religions too.
Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Like a Gold Ring In a Pig's Snout

Haifa designer Hayim Shtayer shot this photo of a black Star of David on a Kahane Movement sticker, and the sticker is part of his collection. The Hebrew words say: "Arab, don’t you dare to think about a Jewess". It is interesting to note that the bottom triangle is created from the wrist, and the right side of it must be completed by the viewer’s imagination. The successful design and the disgusting message remind me of the verse in proverbs 11:22: “like a gold ring in a pig's snout”.
Copyrights: Hayim Shtayer 2007.
Good Will Ambassadors Sticker

Haifa designer Hayim Shtayer shot this photo of a colorful Star of David on a sticker of Good Will Ambassadors Organization, and the sticker is part of his collection. The Hebrew words say: "Don’t be a hooligan, represent us honorably abroad ". The word "hooligan" in Hebrew is similar to the word for "abroad" and the designer used this similarity to maximize the effect of his message. Interestingly the Star of David is made from six non-equilateral triangles and not from the known design of two equilateral triangles. These triangles also create a hexagonal frame in the center of the logo.
Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007.
Womb or Frame

The Star of David is used frequently as a frame for “important things” like peace, Zion, Jerusalem. This specific design makes you think of every frame as a womb, or the other way round: of every womb as a frame.
Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
I Am Zionist Armband

Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007.
I Am Zionist Sticker

Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007.
Headquarter of the Youngsters of Emet Party

Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Chamsa Chumus

In the center of this cover appears the Chamsa symbol, which frequently joins the Star of David as a protector against evil eye.
Peace Candle

The Star of David tends to appear with “important” inscriptions like “Zion”, “Israel”, “chai” (life) and they are placed usually inside the hexagonal frame which is surrounded by six triangles. The shape gives the word a special meaning and the word gives the shape a certain direction.
Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007
Vodka Bottle

What is the message here?
Let’s drink a toast to Israel’s 60th birthday?
Let’s drink to forget our Zionistic misdeeds?
Let’s sell Zionistic vodka to the Russians?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

When the chanukiyah appears alone everybody knows it is Jewish.
When the Star-of-David appears alone nobody knows to which religion it belongs, since it belongs to many religions.
When the Star-of-David and the chanukiyah appear together it is definitely Jewish.
Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007
Chanukah Candles Wrapping

Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007.
Religious Symbols Hologram

The common denominator is the wall of Jerusalem, the difference is between the Religious Symbols – if they appear on the same hologram why can’t they live in harmony in reality?
Size: 60X50
copyright: Shimon Hameiri 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
You've Got To Start Zionism Early -2

Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007
You've Got To Start Zionism Early -1

These objects are part of his collection
Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Rosicrucian Symbology
This is the peculiarly appropriate symbol of the Hebrew faith which for ages hasFrom: Rosicrucian Symbology, By Khei, F. R. Khei, Kessinger Publishing, 1996 , ISBN 156459842X.
maintained the existence of but ONE God perfectly expressed in both the physical
and material worlds. Continuing the process of development we enclose our
six-pointed star in the original sphere indicated by the circle…symbolize
harmony of the spirit that descended into matter and the Body now purified and
arisen with Divinity or the Over-Soul.
Danish Six-pointed Star

Girona Star

Girona is located in the northeast of Catalonia, Spain.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Table Made By Moti Argaman

Copyright: Moti Argaman 2007
Who is a Jew?

102 X 80.
Trying to illustrate anti-Semitism.
Copyright: Moti Argaman 2007.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Religions 2003

Copyright: Moti Argaman 2007.
Moti Argaman’s Self Portrait

started this work in 1981 and since then added to it all kinds of materials.
Copyright: Moti Argaman 2007
Wood Mezuzah

Copyright: Moti Argaman 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Diwali Powder Painting
You are in my soul

A. In my skin
B. On my flag
C. In my blood
D. In my soul
Reminds me of Rod Stewart’s:
You're in my heart, you're in my soul
You'll be my breath should I grow old
You are my lover, you're my best friend
You're in my soul
Jacob Porat

Oil: 42X30
Jacob Porat wrote to me that this is his only Star of David work and he doesn’t remember why he did it.
Copyright: Jacob Porat 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Table in Moshav Manot, Israel

Copyright: Dick Ben Dor
Christmass Decoration

Copyright: Dick Ben Dor
Window in Ijmuden, Holland

Copyright: Dick Ben Dor
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
World Convention of Jewish Youth

Star of David and globe on an event cancel from 28/07/1958 made for World Convention of Jewish Youth in Jerusalem.
From Isareli Philatelic Federaton cancels catalog
The Eternal Jew

Red Jewish star on a Poster of Der ewige Jude ("The Eternal Jew") the most famous Nazi propaganda film
Herzl’s Flag

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
German Six Pointed Stars
selected six pointed hex signs derived from rubbings of Texas Germangravestones… double sechsstern Drudenfuss, New Braunfels old town cemetery,Comal county, 1874.
Among the Pennsylvania Germans the term Hexefiess also meaning “witch’s foot” ispreferred the six-pointed variety, or hexagram. Is also. Along with the compassstar, called a sechsstern
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein
Interesting patriotic Hat

Copyrights: Hayim Shtayer 2007
Star of David Chanukiyah

Creation's name : "Holotrag – Star of David Chanukiyah.
Size:35 x 45 cm
Monday, December 17, 2007
Netanya Stamp

Crescent Crown Star of David exhibition in Berne
emblem, and The crescent, symbolizing Ottoman rule up to 1918.
Stamp of disapproval

One Beer Free

five points star - vale un chopp gratis (one beer free)
David star - cerveceria montevideana /
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sphinx Talisman

I already saw all kinds of designs introduced into this hexagonal frame that the hexagram contains, but this is the first time I see there a sphinx.
Photo is courtesy of A Speaking Soul (Aaron James) who published it on Flickr . Looks ancient, as an archaeological artifact...
Post Office Ceiling

Amulet From the Cairo Genizah

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Yagur Company

Palmach Company in Italy

Cyprus camp Emblem

Friday, December 14, 2007
Fire Brigade

Copyright: Hayim Shtayer 2007
Zionist Flag In Tel Aviv