Sunday, September 30, 2007
Old Glass Decoration
During Sukkoth we visited David Goodman in Beit Shemesh and took this photo in his studio. We see here an old iron & glass decoration made from squares which form a three dimensional Star of David.
Puzzle in the Sukkah

David Goodman
in Beit Shemesh and took this photo in his Sukkah. What we see here is a wooden seven parts puzzle in the shape of a Star of David.Hungarian Zionist Box

Star of David on a Hungarian Zionist box. Caption:
Let us donate for the purpose of Holy Land and other settlements. Hungarian Jewish Association Supporting Holy Land and Other Settlements on both sides.Hungary, around 1900. Height: 13 cm (5 in.)
Courtesy of Mr. Abraham Madeisker from Trionfo Judaica Store, 9 Dorot Rishonim St., Jerusalem.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Hebron Star

Photo of a Star of David carved above the entrance to an Arab home in the old city of Hebron is courtesy of William Frey who shot it in Summer 2005. On the basis of such evidence Jews in the settlements use to claim that they are resettling areas where Jews have lived.
Equating Stalinism And Jews

Photo is copied from Wikipedia
The Wirepuller Jew
Photo of Star of David on the belly of The Wirepuller Jew is courtesy of "ILoveMyPiccolo" who published it on Flickr. This image appears on a A pre-war Nazi poster exhibited in the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt, Germany
Tunisian Synagogue in Acre

It was built since 1955.
13 Kaplan Street, Acre
To arrange a visit, call 9725068220781
Iranian Cartoon The Seed of Zionism
Kiddush Cup
Photo of Star of David etched on a Kiddush Cup (front and bottom) is courtesy of "Esa Einai" who published it on Flickr and wrote to me:
We bought this about 10 years ago at a store in a mall in Buckhead Georgia USA (a suburb of Atlanta Georgia). It is Waterford Crystal. We were shopping for a wedding present for my mom's cousin. We bought her a nice vase and we bought this for our family. It has Borei Pri Hagafen etched in Hebrew; a gold rim. We don't use this very often. Mostly we use my great-grandfather’s little silver Kiddush cup that he brought from the Old Country.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Itzhak Beery, First Israeli Film Festival

Photo of a Star of David logo is courtesy of Itzhak Beery ( Bleecker & Sullivan Advertising )
who created it in 1982 for The First Israeli Film Festival
To capture the inspiration and energy of the Israeli film industry we unleashed the soaring Star of David into the sky. It is formed by the dynamic and organic shape of the traditional filmstrip.
Itzhak Beery is a native Israeli designer who lives in New York. He Published this Logo on his web site which is dedicated to showcasing the ingenuity of the creative minds
Recycling Micro Contents
Here are a few updates:
Till now I wrote two chapters in English:
The Origin of the Star of David
Christian Star of David
In Hebrew I published on my Hebrew blog the following chapters
1. The origin of the Hexagram
2. The meaning of the Hexagram
3. The Hexagram in other cultures
4. Prominent persons in the history of the Magen David
5. Star of David products
6. Logos, coats of arms and city emblems
7. Mapping of Star of David appearances in art
I also broke into postings Asher Eder’s book about the Star of David, added images to each posting, and scattered them between my other postings. In other words I converted a book into a blook. I’ll be happy to know if there are others who made such a conversion …
To Be The First In The World

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Zeev Raban, The Twelve Tribes

My Stickers Arrived

The number one, that is supposed to represent oneness, appears twice; while the number two that is supposed to represent separation appears once; but more important is the sign of future equality between the separated parts of the Israeli society which is built-in our flag.
Eliyahu Ben Ze’ev Alpern, Playing with light

Photo is courtesy of Israeli Photographer Eliyahu Ben Ze’ev Alpern, Chicago-born artist living in the Upper Galilee, who specializes in 360-degree panoramic images of Israel… Eliyahu made aliyah to Israel in 1997 and was trained as a tour guide specializing in Israel Experience adventures.
Eliyahu told me the photo of this David's Shield was taken at Rujm el-Hiri, the Israeli Stonehenge in Golan Heights area.
Copyright: Eliyahu Ben Ze’ev Alpern 2007
Phone: +972-(0)54-747-8439
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Protest Oppression of Soviet Jewry

Stephanie Comfort
who published it on FlickrThe poster was issued probably in the USA in the aftermath of the first Kishinev pogrom on April 6-7, 1903.
Augustinian emblem

a BiBle
a Heart Pierced with an arrow
and the CORREA, the cincture that was given by the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ken Kalman, Diaspora

Photo of Star of David Diaspora sculpture is courtesy of Ken Kalman from Canyon, California. It was created in 2004
Size: 13 x 13 x 2.25 in.
Ken Kalman was Born in 1955.
Ken wrote to me:
The sculpture is made of aluminum sheet and covered with a map of the universe. The map is riveted onto the Star of David that I fabricated. The piece is a metaphor, that Jews are everywhere.
I wonder how would this sculpture look like after the return of the Jews to Zion…
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sukkah Decorations Booth 2

Sukkah Decorations Booth 1

Unprecedented Stamp Shape

Till now you saw rectangular and sometimes triangular stamps but admit it that you have never seen Star of David shaped stamp. I just hope that the Israeli Postal Stamp Service people will notice this unique design and embrace it for next Independence Day. The balloons are made of micrographic Hebrew letters of the national anthem.
I asked Jennie how did she make the balloons and she wrote to me:
I used Paint Shop Pro to create the balloons. I started by drawing a vector line and then mapped the text onto it. I then saved the balloon, removed the text and replaced it with new text. For the one balloon, I mirrored the balloon and then added the text. It was not too hard. Just took a bit of time. After creating last year's Yom HaZikaron graphic ("A handful of names"), this was very simple.copyright: Jennie Gottschalk 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Jerusalem Pressed Flowers

Jewish National Fund Add

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Candle And Star

Not much of a story behind it, the candle was for Shabbat, and I just took the picture at an angle to catch the star on the wall.
What caught my eye is the wall hanging – I think I never saw such a design. Where can I buy it? The wall hanging is so special that the combination with the candle doesn’t look Jewish at all.
Theodore Herzl inside a Star of David

Photo is from Herzl's Newspaper, Die-Welt. Usually these two symbols of Zionism compete - here they appear together in harmony.
Kenneth Snelson

Friday, September 21, 2007
Alive and Burning

Copyright: Yaacov_Kaszemacher 2007
Contact :
Today, 12 October 2007, I got a note that this work will take part in an exhibition titled 60 years old [Israel] opens its eyes
Opening: 15.10.2007
Rosh Pina Museum
In the catalog of the exhibition I found the following caption about it:
Truth and Absurdity, color giclee print on canvas. 56 x 56
The basis of this design is a large central Magen David constructed of 9 bars . As drawn by the artist, it is an optical illusion appearing three dimensional when in truth, it can not exist in three dimensions. The Hebrew word
has a numerical value of nine. The apparent contradiction between truth and the absurd is analogous to the existence of the Jewish people, who despite the hardships of exile and countless persecutions continue to survive. The nine bars are joined at 13 different points, creating 12 triangles. 13 refers to the
י''ג מדות הרחמים
and is also the gematria for the words
Thus through the 13 qualities of HaShem's mercy, plus love the twelve tribes of Israel are united. This 9-bar Magen David was originally created by Kaszemacher as a pen and ink line drawing. In later renditions he made large acrylic paintings. What you see here began as a painting, then was photographed for scanning into a computer and then digitally manipulated adding the word
life aglow with the fire of Torah. This basic design was then reduced and reproduced as multiple stars on the background. These smaller stars represent the sparks of the Jewish people as they drawn into the
from the six directions of the world
Kaszemacher Red

Copyright: Yaacov_Kaszemacher 2007
Contact :
Kaszemacher Ball

Copyright: Yaacov_Kaszemacher 2007
Contact :
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Seller in Machane Yehuda

Sukkah Lanterns in the Souk - 1

Orna Adoram, War Night

Copyrights: Orna Adoram 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Zeev Raban, Let him kiss me

We see four Stars of David above the heads of the lovers on the gate’s frieze.
Zeev Raban, I am Black, But Comely

We see the beloved through a window and on the curtains there are two large Stars of David.
Ofira Oriel, Sparks of Unity

title: Sparks of Unity (between heaven and earth, between opposites).
acrylic on canvas
Copyright: Ofira Oriel 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Zeev Raban, Tower of David

We see a large Star of David on the second small illustration from top right corner under the Tower of David.
Zeev Raban, King Solomon’s Chariot

We see King Solomon’s chariot with a very prominent Star of David right in the center of the illustration.
Homage to Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Title: Homage to Gotthold Ephraim Lessing [1729- 1781]
280/200 cm
Acrylic on canvas
Lessing wrote Nathan the Wise (Nathan der Weise) about religions tolerance.
Copyright: Amos Plaut 2007
Amos wrote to me that the title of the work is Big Triptych and it adds to the irony:
Nathan the Wise tells the king that there's no real difference between religions, they all have the same value...
Monday, September 17, 2007
Kaszemacher Cubic

They say of artists in general and of painters in particular that each work creates a world of its own with rules of its own - and in Kaszemacher’s Star of David series of paintings this saying is clearer than in many other instances: It is not only a painting - it is also an invention!
Copyrights: Yaacov_Kaszemacher 2007
Contact :
Kaszemacher, How Did They Get There

Copyright: Yaacov_Kaszemacher 2007
Contact :
Amos Plaut, Christian Attitude Towards Jews

Photo of work of art with Star of David is courtesy of Amos Plaut.Title: Christian attitude towards Jews.
Amos wrote to me that usually he does not create Judaica, but sometimes events or passing thoughts have this influence on him…
Amos Plaut was born in Tel-Aviv, studied Art and interiour design in H. Heine university, Duesseldorf; since 1985 he lives in Germany.
Copyright: Amos Plaut 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Wine or Beer Barrel

Modern Tribe Stars

Jennifer wrote in the caption:
Whenever we'd see paper star lanterns we'd wish they'd make them with six points! At last -- six pointed star lanterns that will light up your Hanukkah party, Bar or Bat Mitzvah party, or sukah. Get bunches in white for a gorgeous outdoor wedding display.
Copyrights: Jennifer Rivlin Roberts 2007
Modern Tribe Logo

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Before The Spanish Expulsion -1

It is is courtesy of Javier Lozano
Zaragoza (Spain)
Javier Lozano wrote to me
En Huesa del Comun hay solo esta estrella de David. Es previa a 1492.
Te envםo dos fotos. La primera muestra el estado actual. La segunda el estado original cuando se descubriף la puerta.
No sי cuando se descubriף la puerta pero lo preguntarי.
La gente cree que esta es la puerta de la sinagoga, pero no es seguro, en mi opinion.
Before The Spanish Expulsion

Zaragoza ,Spain.
Javier Lozano wrote to me
In Huesa del Comun there is only this (1) Star of David. It's previous 1492
I send you two photos: The first show the actual condition of the door. The second is the original condition when the door was discovered. I don't know when the door was discovered but I will ask. The people think this is the door of a synagogue, but it's not sure, in my opinion.
In 1492 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel expelled the Jewish population of Spain, permitting only those who agreed to become Catholic to stay.
Colmar, France

I cut most of it in Photoshop in order to make the star visible. The photo was taken at Colmar in Alsace, France. Colmar had a Jewish community in medieval times and again after 1800 and has one today.
Flag of Equality

What do you think about my new sticker?
It is meant to show that the Israeli flag contains the sign of equality and heralds the future equality between the opposing parts of the Israeli society.
The Star of David symbolizes the unification of the opposites: up and down, left and right etc. The stripes on the flag look like the algebraic sign of equality.
I thought about this sticker after I read about the logo competition For I’srael’s 60th Independence Day…
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Happy New Year Dear Star of David

Stephanie Comfort who published it on Flickr. I wish the Star of David a Happy New Year in which its ability to bring people closer will blossom.