I already published one of Ronen's Star of David works presented in the Star of David in Israeli Art Exhibition, which was opened in Yavne Gallery on the 23 March 2007.
This blog (by Zeev Barkan) is dedicated to the Star of David, its history, its various meanings and usages in different cultures. It includes thousands of pictures of Star of David, six-pointed stars, hexagrams, Solomon's Seals, Magen Davids and yellow badges,and served as a resource for three books and four art exhibitions.
These notes are in a mystical context, not in an academic thread, however probably more informative than you'll generally find regarding actual meaning and application. If you are comfortable with the mystical approach I can probably go more deeply. I'll provide some introductory information…
I became a mystic in about 1970 while still in the US Navy. Some of my friends and I were experiencing paranormal events and I wished to know how and why these things occured. I was a Commander and didn't worry about my career so I did my work and put extra time into trying to find answers. The events included levitation, past life recall, telepathy, out of body, and the usual list of such things. I also went through some notable past initiations from different religions, apparently upgraded to my present time.
I soon found out that the Jewish and Christian priests were not of help so I found answers in the Eastern schools. However my archetype is in the Jewish and Christian system(s) so I decided to (1) learn contemporary mysticism in the Western cultures where it seemed relevent to present events, and (2) do my own translation and interpretation of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, ignoring most or all existing commentaries (none of relevance). I retired from the Navy and went to American University (Washington DC) to design my own MA in Religion. I wanted the time and discipline of the academics who permitted me the freedom of the mystic approach...
I specialize in grid systems used in temples and earth grids. I find that the patterns can be applied to groups. Study of scripture involves exactly the same technique…
The equilateral triangle has its main apex in the north, representing the balanced right/left brain. The SE corner is the right brain function, the SW is the left. People or actions will organize themselves in that format. The other triangle will have the same organization but reversed. Lines across the poles unify the two. Place people in those points. This is also the key to understanding the "division of labor" for the 6 entities in the Transfiguration 6-point in Mark 9:2-13. Yeshua, Moses, Elishah are in one triangle, Peter (Kaffa), James (Yachob), brother John (Yachan: sons of thunder, also Zebedee: dowry) in the other ...
use Hebrew names for all to determine their poles. This is one of the greatest 6-point stars you'll find. The main use of the Shield/ Tsenah-Dowd or "Key" of David (Rev 3:7-13) is in forming the central pillar of all temples or personal application, called the Layooesh Pillar in modern mysticism (Gate of the Lord in Ps 118:19-23). A star tetrahedron (interpenetrated tetrahedrons) is formed, then an "Ennead Flash" (9 poles or "Anchor of God" in the Reshel's Tsadey pole), then a star pentahedron (two pyramids interpenetrated). This generates the Pillar form needed to access Metatronic/Messianic levels. Then a classic temple of 12 poles is formed to hold the higher field. This can of course be done simply through meditation without the formats however serious light work requires more efficiency in doing more tasks, more accurately. This demands more exact management of thought forms. The 6-point forms the star tetrahedron. In the Reshel the equilateral triangle is called the Haepathia. The apex pole formed by two golden ratio spirals is labeled the Vau pole. The two base points are the Yud and Beth poles...
one would need to know what these actually DO. The Reshel's other half interacts to use the two triangles in different reality frames, the Shield of David (love, cauldron) being one of them.
The information that the eye gathers does not fit the physical measurement of the object…
The "kindred" of Jesus and their male-line descendants were honored in very high degree both by Christians and by various Jewish interest groups alike, as heirs of ancient Jewish royalty, or as earthly representatives of "Christ", the eternal king of the universe. The descendants of The Holy Family were called the Desposyni" /"Desposynoi", meaning, "The Master's Kin". The "desposyni" took the surname "Kyriakon", meaning "The Lord's House". Their claims to be the successors of "another king", one, Jesus, other than Caesar (Acts 17:7), made them rivals of the Roman emperors, and, as such the emperors Domitian, Trajan, and Hadrian, carried out proceedings against the "Desposyn[o]i" [descendants of Christianity's "Holy Family"]. Their emblem, or coats-of-arms, varied from a depiction of the "madonna and child", to a depiction of the "paschal lamb" crucified on a cross, to a depiction of "The Holy Grail" painted on a round shield with the supporters of a lion, representing "Judah", and a "unicorn" representing the "Desposyni"; and its crest was the six-pointed "Star of David" inside the circle of the depiction of the sun shining at its splendor".
The coat-of-arms which has two supporters, a lion and a unicorn, with the star of David inside the circle of the sun as its crest appears in the thirteenth century [or possibly as early as the eleventh century] to be the coat-of-arms of families which claimed descendant from the desposyni. There were three such families which resided in Britain according to the "Triads". The design is based on the Jewish symbol [or coat-of-arms, so to speak] of the Davidic Dynasty which derived from various Bible verses, such as judges 5:31b "as the sun when it goes forth in its might" or psalms 84:11a "is a sun and shield". There is another Bible verse where God promises David an eternal throne and links it to the sun as a symbol of His promise, which reads "His [David's] seed [dynasty] shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before Me." I cannot recall the exact Bible verse at this time. The coat-of-arms of the Davidic Dynasty is based on that verse. I think it was invented in the sixth century BC, but not sure. It had only one supporter, which was a fierce lion, frontal view, with a crown on his head holding a round shield with the Star of David on it. Thus, one sees only the lion's head and shoulders and paws [or hands] and his feet upon which the shield rests. He also holds in one hand a scepter, and in the other hand various objects that differed from one another according to the artist's design, sometimes a sword. The lion's feet stands upon a scroll-like design upon which is written the dynasty's motto: "God, and My Right" referring to the Davidic covenant. The shield is silver and the star on the shield is gold, that is, metal on metal in medieval heraldry was reserved only for the Davidic Dynasty, for all other coat-of-arms were either color on metal or metal on color. I think the Star of David is ancient in origin, cause we know that Bar Kokhba had a shield with the Star of David on it.
Ganesha is a formless representation of God (Many Hindu Gods/Goddesses have this "star" on their yantra, like Vishnu, Gayatri with several stars, ...).
Search "yantra" on Wikipedia, I'm affraid that knowledge is poor about the yantra!
But is it a very powerful tool!
The Sanskrit terms for the Indian primeval chess and its pieces have been well-known. The chess was called "chaturanga"...Not only by its name, but also by the way in which it moves in the primeval chess, the elephant symbolizes the air. The geometric picture of the air in the Indian philosophy of nature is a six-pointed star - i.e. two intercrossed triangles...The connection among the elephant, six-pointed star, and airy space exist in the well-known myth about the conception of Buddha. The six pointed star is the geometric emblem of Ganesha, the god with the elephant head. That emblem consists in fact of three six pointed stars. on put into the other ...Ganesha, as the donor of wisdom, wealth and as the remover of obstacles, is the most popular deity of the Indians. Only in the holy town of Benares he has about 200 temples.
And I will betroth thee unto Me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness, and in justice, and in lovingkindness, and in compassion.
Are you sure it is a Star of David? It is a Christian basilica; my wife says it's impossible it is a Star of David. Ciao.
Here is another "Star of David" graphic, inspired by Ze'ev. He's the "ideas man". All I have to do is create the graphic.
Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can.
Jewish Stars are everywhere, and apparently they're just a decorative symbol (from what we've been told)...this one was on the window of the jeep we took through the national park.Bear and Pocket wrote to me:
we are Jewish, so we find all the Stars of David especially meaningful.
it's fascinating to see them all over india, where we're
told they are a decorative icon!
they were selling them in all the Dominos in South Korea last October. I didn't try one so I don't even know what the star topping was made of.
The hexagram here is one of the very limited times you'll see it alone in India. Typically Moghul architecture will use the hexagram as part of a tessellation.
This is a copper enameled star. Copper enameling is the process of melting powdered glass on copper. To see more of my work visit www.feingoldjewelry.etsy.com. For more information, check out my profile.
The star is reaching out in all directions and anchored by a central point, I would surmise to be the Torah. Each of the six lines of the star is attached to another, and stands upon a foundation. The whole star system is very powerfully supported in its design.
You might contrast this with a swastika, which also has six lines, and without support or anchor. The Mogen Dovid is the strongest and most supportive thing you can do with six lines. The swastika is the weakest.
The head of the organizing committee of the PKS, in… East Java, one Ach Ready, has threatened to erase some kind of artwork, perhaps a mural, at the Adipura park in the city, which he says is a six sided star and therefore looks like the Star of David on the flag of Israel.There were 28 Comments to this article among them was this one which I liked the most:
Dimp Says:
I think they will not learn math as well as the triangle clearly part of the star of David, and next they will eradicate the color blue as this is also the color of star of David, next the word star will be eradicated, and demanding people with the name of David to change their name.
The photos are digital collages done in Photoshop. Funny, when I finished this collage, I noticed for the first time that the crystal lotus made a six-pointed star, although if have used this image quite extensively in my collages!
The picture is from the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, South Carolina. They put up christmas lights each year & as with most holiday displays a portion is set up for haunaka as well.
In the Muslim World, the six-pointed star is a Muslim symbol. From Yemen to Egypt to Syria, it was incorporated in Islamic architecture from the first centuries of Islam. David is considered a Muslim prophet (along with Moses and Jesus); the six-pointed star in Islam is also called the Star of David. Last weekend, a Syrian friend invited me to his family home in Homs, Syria's third largest city. We visited one of the city's oldest mosques, located in the labyrinthine souq. Under an archway and down a few well-polished stone steps from the market bustle, black, metal doors opened into the serenity of the mosque. The doors were decorated with a familiar symbol: a repeating Star of the Prophet David.
Symbols are trivial but very dangerous things. For millions of people the Cross is a source of comfort and reassurance. But if it has been held over you or your relatives while they were being burnt, raped or slaughtered, then the Cross is a hated symbol of pain and oppression. The same can be said of the Crescent, the Star and Sickle and... the Magen David. If you are wearing the wrong football shirt in Istanbul there is a serious chance of getting stabbed, and in parts of England having a broken beer bottle shoved in your face. And if you wear a kippa or a hijab in parts of France you run the risk of violence... Religion, Politics or Sport are all often the excuse for mindless thugs to use violence.
In Jewish mysticism it is explained that the Star of David is the symbol of the world and of God. The arrow pointing downwards is God. God is seen as the male because God is the one that gives life. God is the creator, the father, the master. The world, the universe, everything of creation is compared to the female for it receives. It receives life, it receives sustenance, it receives Godliness. This is similar to the chalice and the blade… although I think in the novel the roles are reversed with the downwards triangle being the feminine and the upwards triangle being the masculine.
· He took into space a mezuzah with a Star of David, a microfiche of the Bible and a tiny Torah scroll.
· He used to carry a Star of David on his shirtsleeve.
· He was not religious but he decided to eat kosher food in space.
Rabbi Shraga Simmons wrote:
After the tragedy, I saw an editorial cartoon that depicted a father and son, gazing at the night sky. Seven stars dotted the heavens -- six regular stars, and one Star of David. As the father placed his arm around the boy's shoulder, he pointed to the Star of David and explained: "That one is Ilan Ramon.
The legend that Solomon possessed a seal ring on which the name of God was engraved and by means of which he controlled the demons... is especially developed by Arabic writers, who declare that the ring... was partly brass and partly iron. With the brass part of the ring Solomon signed his written commands to the good genii, and with the iron part he signed his commands to the evil genii, or devils...The legend of a magic ring by means of which the possessor could exorcise demons was current in the first century, as is shown by Josephus' statement ("Ant." viii. 2) that one Eleazar exorcised demons in the presence of Vespasian by means of a ring, using incantations composed by Solomon.
The Arabs afterward gave the name of "Solomon's seal" to the six-pointed star-like figure (see Magen, Dawid) engraved on the bottom of their drinking-cups.
a fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided in parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole.
Song of Solomon 2:16 "My Beloved is Mine and I am His" . To me that is really what love is about.
The Arabs will tell you that they were the first to have posession of the temple yet here we see the star of David on one of their buildings. They built most of their area of the temple from rubble from the old temple.
I saw the star of david in most of the mosques in India. In midage it was a commonly used sign.
Purana Qila means Old Fort and it was built by the Moghul emperor Humayun in the 16tt century in Delhi, India.
The first area encountered as the alchemist travels along this vertical axis is a Ring of Stars in which seven larger stars predominate. This stellar ring presents the seven alchemical operations as cosmic principles available to sentient species everywhere... To the left of the large triangle is a smaller downward-pointing triangle representing Water or Mercury; to the right is a small upward-pointing triangle representing Fire or Sulfur. Below the central triangle is the Star of David, which symbolizes Salt, the union of Fire and Water, the permanent coming together of the Above and the Below.
On July 21st of this year we have a very beautiful combination involving all of the planets... The pattern itself is a hexagram, or Star of David. This symbol of the Jewish tradition actually comes from India, representing the union between Shiva and Kali with the energies perfectly balanced. The triangle with the point down is the feminine principle, and the point up is the masculine principle. It is these two principles that have been out of balance, resulting in the situation in which the world finds itself today.