Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The star of David in Brazil

Prof. Anita W.Novinsky from Sao Paulo University is an expert on the subject of the Anusim (Crypto Jews, Coversos) in Brazil. I saw a long  interview with her on the Documentary: A Estrela Oculta do Sertão, dealing with the subject of the estimated 120 million Anusim in Brazil. I asked her if she stumbled upon Stars of David in Brazil.
She wrote to me that the star of David is very common in the north east of brazil, by the  people in  general. (according to the above mentioned documentary most of the  anusim are concentrated in this area).  
The star of David is used by fishermen, who leave to the sea in a boat, and in the bottom of the boat they print the star of David, to give them  luck.
There are anusim who use the star in their chain, and in their homes  it appears frequently.
Prof. Anita W.Novinsky referred me for detailled  informations in the books of the famous folklorist Luiz Camara Cascudo.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

An Enigmatic Israel flag

David Glassman
If you know what is the symbol inside the Star of David
 please comment under the picture

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mosteiro de Sao Bento em Sao Paulo

 Pictures and captions are courtesy of Iara Czeresnia (c) 2011
Menorah in  Mosteiro de Sao Bento em Sao Paulo
Built in the 20th Century C.E

Pattern of Hexagrams Triangles and Hexagons
on the floor
 in  Mosteiro de Sao Bento em Sao Paulo

Caption: Stella  Eius  
[HIS Star]
under Hexagram
on the entrance Door to
Mosteiro de Sao Bento em Sao Paulo

Entrance Door to
Mosteiro de Sao Bento em Sao Paulo

The  Pastor of this Church
Irmão João Batista 
Wrote to Iara Czeresnia that 
the six pointed Star represents the People of God and that
 Jewish Symbols are frequent in Christian Churches 
.because Jesus was a Jew