Monday, November 19, 2007

Yaacov Agam Independence Stamp

ART Israel Postage Stamp

Yaacov Agam (born in 1928) designed this stamp for Israel's 35th Independence Day. Yaacov Agam is an Israeli kinetic artist painter and sculptor. There are many Stars of David in his works of art that I'd like to publish but it is hard to find him to get his permission.

Archaeology Stamp

Postage Stamp, Solomon’s seal

Solomon’s seal on the walls of Jerusalem, which were built by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent between 1535-1538
The stamp was issued on
Designed by Eliezer Weidhoff

Paul Konewka, silhouette


German Artist Paul Konewka (1840- 1871) made this silhouette standing on a hexagram (and many more) for William Shakespeare’s Henry IV book/ 
Photo is courtesy of Stephanie Comfort who published it on Flickr

Mark Podwal Passover Plate


Photo is courtesy of Mark Podwal who wrote to me:
A ceramic plate that was produced and sold by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The plate reproduces Podwal's painting Seder from the Met's collection. The plate is no longer available.

Copyrights: Mark Podwal 2007