Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy New Year Dear Star of David

Star of David ZionismPhoto of Star of David on the hat and on the dress of Daughter of Zion, on her flag and as a shadow behind her is courtesy of pictorial history collector

Stephanie Comfort who published it on Flickr. I wish the Star of David a Happy New Year in which its ability to bring people closer will blossom.

Another Bookmark

Another Bookmark-Star-of-DavidPhoto of Star of David Bookmark is courtesy of "pat71896" from Flick who makes different kinds of splendid Jewish Bookmarks 


Bookmark-Star-of-DavidPhoto of Star of David Bookmark is courtesy of "pat71896" from Flickr.  

pat71896 wrote to me:

I do religious articles for the Jewish Faith and have many wonderful designs that I place on totes and aprons. They are a lovely way to positively and usefully show your beliefs.