Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Orly Shafir, The Tree of Life

Tree of Life Israeli ART Yellow Badge

Photo is courtesy of Israeli artist Orly Shafir

Copyright: Orly Shafir 2008

Currently this work is taking part in the Yellow Holocaust Star Exhibit at Yigal Alon House, Safed, which started on 30-4-2008. Curator: Reli Wasser.

Size: 50/70 cm

Technique: oil on canvas

Title: The Tree of Life

Artist’s Caption: The tree resembles the Jewish people. It is a big tree with deep roots. It continues to live and to grow even though all along history there were (and still are) attempts to remove it and to cut its branches.
Orly says that the yellow badge is a symbol of spiritual heroism, which is quite different from the military heroism.

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