Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Heavy Symbol Made From Basalt

Israeli ART Yellow Badge sculpture

Photo is courtesy of Israeli artist Chanoch Ben

Copyright: Chanoch Ben Dov 2008

Currently this work is taking part in the Yellow Holocaust Star Exhibit at Yigal Alon House, Safed, which started on 30-4-2008. Curator: Reli Wasser.

Size: 170X85 cm

Technique: sculpture, Stone, iron, cloth

Title: Heavy Yellow Holocaust Star

Artist’s Caption: I wanted to express the heavy feeling that the Yellow Holocaust Star evokes. Above: six candle holder for the 6,000,000

The artist’s parents were East European Jews who survived the Holocaust.

The usage of Death camps’ uniform stripes is quite frequent in the artistic treatment of the Yellow Holocaust Star, and for some of the artists it is connected to the coat of many colors Jacob gave to Joseph.

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