Thursday, February 09, 2012

The Star of David and the Koran

Many Solomon Seal Symbols adorn 
 this Koran case 
in the shape of the Dome of the Rock
which is exhibited 
at the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts 
Istanbul, Turkey
Copyright 2008 Patrick Breen from Flickr (CC)
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Stars of David (Solomons Seals)
 in an endless pattern on
Baybar's Kuran 
written entirely in gold in 1304 for a Mamluk Sultan in Cairo, Egypt

Solomon Seal Symbols adorn  this Koran page
 at the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts
CC image by mahaz from Flickr

Stylized Star of David is exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is from a page of the Koran from the Central Islamic lands (Iraq?), 9th-10th century. Ink and gold paint on parchment. 
"Centuries before block printing was introduced in Europe, the technique was used in the Islamic world to produce miniature texts consisting of prayers, incantations, and Qur’anic verses that were kept in amulet boxes".

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Star of David on an Amulet from the 11th century Fatimid Egypt, ink on paper, is kept at The Metropolitan Museum of Art


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 French Book titled In the
Islam art et géométrie  by Roger BASTIEN p. 64 there's a colorful star of David (Muslims call it Solomon's Seal on the whole cover of a Koran. It was printed in 1822 in Syria
 A large Solomon's Seal appears in An'am Sharif  (a book of prayers and excerpts from the Quran) which was printed in 1761-2

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In a Forum called there are a few references to sources  that mention the Star of David 
Imam Ridha  in the book “Al Tuhfa Al Radhawiya” page 294 mentions it as a form of protection. In the book “Daar Al Salaam” by “ Mirza Al Noori Al Tubrisi” page 20 part 3
 in the book “Akseer Al Da’awaat” page 155 and in the book “Makarim Al Akhlaq” page 336 (to push away one type of fevers
 Sheikh Radhy Al Deen Al Tubrisi in the book “Makarim Al Akhlaq” page 336

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Two colorful stars of David from 1856  sport on the mirbar at the Ottoman Vezir Mosque Heraklion (now Ag Titos church) under the first verse of Koran

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Manuscript from China, 16th-17th century, with verses from the Kuran 

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