Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sabina Saad, Yellow Star

Sabina Saad, Yellow Badge israeli art

Photo is courtesy of Sabina Saad

Copyright: Sabina Saad 2008

Right now this works is taking part in the Yellow Holocaust Star Exhibit at Yigal Alon House, Safed, which started on 30-4-2008. Curator: Reli Wasser.

Size: 70cm x70cm

Technique: Acrylic on material

Sabina Saad is a Second generation of holocaust survivors.

She wrote:

The yellow star, a small piece of material that marked the Jews, took on a wide-ranging significance and sealed destinies. Thus I chose to draw an enlarged yellow star such that the canvas could not contain it. Had I the possibility, I would have drawn it the size of a stadium, but that too would not have been enough to encompass the immense horror that the yellow star symbolizes.

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