Sunday, May 25, 2008

Daniela Klauzner, Marriage in Black

Israeli ART, Yellow Badge

Photo is courtesy of Israeli artist Daniela Klauzner.

Copyright: Daniela Klauzner 2008

Currently this work is taking part in the Yellow Holocaust Star Exhibit at Yigal Alon House, Safed, which started on 30-4-2008. Curator: Reli Wasser.

Technique: Two linoleum prints, one on yellow paper the other on gauze, glued one above the other.

Title: Marriage in Black

Artist’s Caption: My parents’ wedding on 14.5.1944, in the midst of WWII, in a synagogue in Budapest, Hungary. There was a rumor that young academic Jews will not be taken to forced labor camps if they marry, and since my father just finished his PhD in chemistry and since he and my mother were together for five years they decided to get married quickly.

Daniela Klauzner was a biologist until she started 11 years a go to create art. She lives in Natania.

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