Tuesday, May 13, 2008

At your gates Jerusalem

Yellow Holocaust Star Exhibit

Usually the yellow badge is presented in the foreground and demands the whole attention of the viewer, but here the image of the yellow badge on the poster hides behind the boy and the foreground is dedicated to the multi-cultures of Jerusalem.

IMHO the message is that life goes on.

Photo is courtesy of Zeev Dekel

Copyright: Zeev Dekel 2008

This works is taking part in the Yellow Holocaust Star Exhibit at Yigal Alon House, Safed, which started on 30-4-2008. Curator: Reli Wasser.

Size: 50 by 70 C"M

Technique: original KODAK Ektachrome transparency scanned & processed digitally

Printed digitally on paper coated with mat lamination

Zeev Dekel was born in Jerusalem, 1935.

Member of the Israeli Artist association

Member of the Negev artists house Beer Sheba

Had quite a number of solo and group exhibitions

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