Monday, February 25, 2008

Human Skeleton, Mechanical Explanation

Human Skeleton jewish star

Moshe Gorelik, Israeli teacher of Marshall arts and inventor of ISAI, self-defense and healing art, found three Star of David shapes in the Human skeleton, and he explained them to me according to mechanics, without any mystical mambo jumbo:

  1. Hip bone: leg bones press the earth and a counter force flow from the earth to the hip bones, which are lying (In males) at an angle of about 60 degrees, and form an equilateral triangle. The opposite triangle comes from the pelvis, where the vectors accumulate to the fifth copula, which is the erect body’s center of gravity.
  2. Chest: when you raise your hands vectors accumulate to the chest Tan Tien while the ribs create the opposite triangle.
  3. Jaws.
The second paragragh about the chest star is parallel to the Indian mystical term Anahta Chakra...

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