Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Surrounded by Crosses

Photo is courtesy of "SebastianBerlin" who published it on Flickr. He wrote to me:

I just went through this cathedral (do you know it?), out of pure curiosity (actually it's not very beautiful, but it's Moscow's main church, so...), and suddenly I see this candelabra above me! Nobody of the people there knew anything about it. I even got the impression that nobody noticed it before. The church itself originally was built in 1860-1883, torn down in 1931 and rebuilt in 1992-2000. I suppose, this candelabra is an exact copy of the original from the 19th century. But beside it, I never noticed any use of this or any other symbol of Jewry by the Russian orthodox church. It remains a riddle, still to be solved.


  1. I never noticed any use of this or any other symbol of Jewry by the Russian Orthodox Church. It remains a riddle, still to be solved.

    I agree. Russia = Pogroms & 'Protocols'. No wonder that among the first leninists-communists (who were responsible for -among other things- the assasination of the Tsar and Patriarch) were a plethora of angry and persecuted Jews, who thought: "now's pay-back time".

  2. This kind of thinking is called "fascism". By the way, 9 out of 10 pogroms happened in Ukraine and Poland, not Russia. Protocols have been written by non-ethnic-Russians, and anti-Semitic policies were enact by a germess-Catherine. In conclusion, ethnic Russians are the best friends the Jewish people could ever have, considering neither ethnicities are accepted as Whites, and both have been victims of the brown menace.

    PS: On related note, I've noticed recently how Black people do not hate back like White people do - if a war happened in Europe people will hate each-other for a millenia. Black people, on the other hand, have not drowned in hatred, and G-d bless them for that!



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