Tuesday, July 03, 2007

David Ben Gurion and the Magen David

Shulamit Gad in her book "King David and the power of Psalms" writes in page 698: David Ben Gurion talked about the Magen David in a meeting of the provisional government in 11.7.1948 and said:
Concerning the Magen David there is controversy if it is an ancient emblem or not. In my opinion it is unimportant if it is ancient. There is no other emblem, which is considered by Jews and Gentiles as a Jewish symbol like the Magen David, and it is an asset.

I don’t know if there was any weight to the fact that David was the first name of Ben Gurion, but there are others with this first name who connect to the history of this symbol like David Ganz, David Hareuveni, David Al Roy…

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