Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bob Weinberg

boolplate Jewish star Photo of Star of David on a boolplate made by Ismael Smith is courtesy of Bob Weinberg ( )who wrote to me:
I have been collecting bookplates for about 10 years – Ephraim Moses Lilien & Arthur Szyk are my favorite Jewish artists. Besides the bookplates of Lilien I also collect his postcards. I started out collecting American bookplates about 30 years ago – I still search for them- I collect famous Americans,primarily of the 20th century. I also have Jewish bookplates of Budko, a friend of Lilien & Ariel Birenbaum.
Issac Smith Bookplate illustration by Jenor Ismael Smith. Issac is brother of artist Ismael. Spanish - born 1886 - Catholic forebears, it is believed, came from England. Died in a mental institution in US. Came to the US in 1918. Did many Jewish bookplates for his Jewish friends & clients.

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