Monday, June 04, 2007

Benjamin Peleg, Yellow Badges and Chessboards

Yellow Badges and Chessboards art Photo is courtesy of Artist Benjamin Peleg. It is one of a series that deals with the yellow badges and the Holocaust.
Title: Shoah - 6
Size: 40x40 Cm
Acrylic on canvas
We see Jewish prisoners in Nazi death camps along with chessboards, which represent life. The artist expresses his POV and says that in WWW Jews were pieces on an un-understandable chessboard.
Artist and curator Dick Ben Dor wrote about him (in Hebrew- translation is mine):
Benjamin Peleg deals in most of his paintings in the holocaust and he emphasizes, by using numbers, the endless list of victims; at the same time his usage of colors adds strength to the work.

Copyright: Benjamin Peleg 2007

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