Monday, May 28, 2007

Stained Glass Hexagram

Christian stained glass hexagram on the window of Trinity Anglican Church, Ontario, Cambridge, Canada. Photo is courtesy of "monicaphotos" who published it on Flickr.

Stained glass window in Lincoln Cathedral, England
 CC Picture by victor408
 from Flickr

1 comment:

  1. The Yellow Star

    It was a star
    The germans made sick
    From out of their hearts
    It had come

    First kicked black and thick

    They reversed summer light
    And made yellow

    Play a trick

    And they stitched
    Up the Jews

    Who later took yellow

    As the colour that
    Trancended itself

    Back into
    The healing bruise

    Ahhh but

    What do you do
    By the Berkenhau
    Empty shoes ?

    You put your star back on


    This time
    Because you choose ....


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