Sunday, May 20, 2007

Avinoam Damari, Peace

Photo is courtesy of my dear friend, Avinoam Damari. This Star of David mosaic, with the word Peace in Hebrew in its center, is part of a series of mosaics in the shape of Star of David that Avinoam intends to make on the fence of his house in Ness Tziona, Israel. So far he made, aside from the above-mentioned work, a Yellow Badge mosaic, which I also published in this blog.

About half a year ago I visited the empty fence, and took a photo of it so that in a few years I’ll have the opportunity to compare it to a fence full with many Star of David mosaics, each would tell a story of a period and all of them would tell the story of the nation.
Copyrights: Avinoam Damari, 2007

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