Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dick Ben Dor, Hope

Star of David in The Israeli Art ExhibitionDr. Dalia Haker-Orion, who took part in the opening of the Star of David in The Israeli Art Exhibition in Yavne, about a month ago, referred me to the Israeli painter Dick Ben Dor. I contacted him and he told me that a few years ago he was asked to represent Israel in an art exhibition abroad, which was dedicated to the subject of the three monotheistic religions. He was asked to prepare some big paintings on Star of David frames. He looked for a carpenter who will prepare these frames for him but eventually had to make them himself. When he finished the paintings he got the announcement that the exhibition was canceled. Meanwhile people started reacting to the works and they were exhibited in a few places and next month some of these works will travel to a gallery in France.

Dick Ben Dor was born in 1936, Amsterdam, came to Israel in 1951 and studied at the Workshop of Motti Mizrachi and at the College of Painting and Sculpture in Ramat Gan.

The painting is titled Hope and it's size is 2.10 meters. It deals with the Holocaust.

Email Dick Ben Dor:

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