Thursday, March 29, 2007

Rev. William Buehler’s Mystical Approach

I sent Rev. William Buehler an email asking how does he see the Star of David. Following are some excerpts from his answer:
These notes are in a mystical context, not in an academic thread, however probably more informative than you'll generally find regarding actual meaning and application. If you are comfortable with the mystical approach I can probably go more deeply. I'll provide some introductory information…
I became a mystic in about 1970 while still in the US Navy. Some of my friends and I were experiencing paranormal events and I wished to know how and why these things occured. I was a Commander and didn't worry about my career so I did my work and put extra time into trying to find answers. The events included levitation, past life recall, telepathy, out of body, and the usual list of such things. I also went through some notable past initiations from different religions, apparently upgraded to my present time.

I soon found out that the Jewish and Christian priests were not of help so I found answers in the Eastern schools. However my archetype is in the Jewish and Christian system(s) so I decided to (1) learn contemporary mysticism in the Western cultures where it seemed relevent to present events, and (2) do my own translation and interpretation of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, ignoring most or all existing commentaries (none of relevance). I retired from the Navy and went to American University (Washington DC) to design my own MA in Religion. I wanted the time and discipline of the academics who permitted me the freedom of the mystic approach...

I specialize in grid systems used in temples and earth grids. I find that the patterns can be applied to groups. Study of scripture involves exactly the same technique…

The equilateral triangle has its main apex in the north, representing the balanced right/left brain. The SE corner is the right brain function, the SW is the left. People or actions will organize themselves in that format. The other triangle will have the same organization but reversed. Lines across the poles unify the two. Place people in those points. This is also the key to understanding the "division of labor" for the 6 entities in the Transfiguration 6-point in Mark 9:2-13. Yeshua, Moses, Elishah are in one triangle, Peter (Kaffa), James (Yachob), brother John (Yachan: sons of thunder, also Zebedee: dowry) in the other ...

use Hebrew names for all to determine their poles. This is one of the greatest 6-point stars you'll find. The main use of the Shield/ Tsenah-Dowd or "Key" of David (Rev 3:7-13) is in forming the central pillar of all temples or personal application, called the Layooesh Pillar in modern mysticism (Gate of the Lord in Ps 118:19-23). A star tetrahedron (interpenetrated tetrahedrons) is formed, then an "Ennead Flash" (9 poles or "Anchor of God" in the Reshel's Tsadey pole), then a star pentahedron (two pyramids interpenetrated). This generates the Pillar form needed to access Metatronic/Messianic levels. Then a classic temple of 12 poles is formed to hold the higher field. This can of course be done simply through meditation without the formats however serious light work requires more efficiency in doing more tasks, more accurately. This demands more exact management of thought forms. The 6-point forms the star tetrahedron. In the Reshel the equilateral triangle is called the Haepathia. The apex pole formed by two golden ratio spirals is labeled the Vau pole. The two base points are the Yud and Beth poles...

one would need to know what these actually DO. The Reshel's other half interacts to use the two triangles in different reality frames, the Shield of David (love, cauldron) being one of them.

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