Sunday, March 04, 2007

Katriina Viljama-Rissanen

Finland Christmas Postage Stamp
Katriina Viljama-Rissanen is first and foremost known as an illustrator of children's books, but her art is also featured on a collection of textiles she designed for Finlayson, and on crockery by Pentik. The artist took great pleasure in the task of designing stamps, both because of the challenge and the subjects. Katriina Viljama-Rissanen says that Tiernapojat, a Christmas tableau based upon the legend of the three kings, has fascinated her since her childhood. This gave her a good reason to study the history of the tableau, its costumes and use of colours. The result of her work is a beautiful stamp featuring the characters of the tableau; King Herod, his servant the Knight, the King of the Blackmoors and the Bearer, carrying a six-pointed star, singing a text on events relating to the birth of Christ.

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