Monday, February 05, 2007

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics hexagram
Diagram is courtesy of Dr. Remo Roth who wrote to me:
…[the Star of David] is the symbol of the arrangement of the first three quarks and antiquarks; Thus, the Seal [Seal of Solomon, Star of David] belongs to quantum physics, or even to a deeper region which Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli called the psychophysical reality, a reunion of the split between matter and spirit/psyche, outer and inner world, masculine and feminine principle (and especially important for your country: a reunion of Judaism/Christianism with the Islam). It is the symbol of the 21st century, since at the beginning of it we will have to deal with this reunion – or go under in an apocalyptic catastrophe.

1 comment:

  1. I've browsed through the afferent links and the image of the Pelican as related to Christ reminded me of the following verse from the Funeral Song of Our Lord :

    "Like a pelican
    You've been wounded in Your flank, O Word,
    And gave life to Your sons that have died,
    Spreading living water-springs above them".



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