Monday, December 25, 2006

Kagome lattice

Kagome lattice Hexagram
The name Kagome means the pattern of holes ("me" for eyes kago for a basket .
Did ancient Israelites take the Star of David with them to different countries after their first and second Temples were destroyed? A positive answer to this question might help shed some light on the origin of this symbol. There are many groups who are candidates for this investigation: Yemenite Jews, Cochin Jews, lost tribes etc.

Few researchers claim that ancient Israelites arrived to Japan and left there some Jewish artifacts. The founder of the Makuya Japanese cult Ikuro Teshima believed these Israelites were called the Hata tribe and that They left Kagome crest at some of Shinto's oldest and most important shrines; the crest, a relatively simple shape, is a six-pointed star identical to the Star of David.
Picture of kagome lattice Hexagram was copied from Wikipedia

Prof. Shiloni wrote in his book that Isa stone lanterns, bearing Stars of David, were established in the 20th century by a manufacturer of soy sauce that had this trademark 
Source: Hebrew article:


  1. Ikuro Teshima

    Michael S. Sanders

    Arimasa Kubo

    Dr. Yoshiro Saeki

  2. very interesting stuff.

    i have been researching the possible jewish origins of the japanese people and i feel like there is almost enough evidence for me, personally, to believe that this is true.

    i have a few more links of interest at my blog:

    i will definitely add this to my list of links.



  3. hi zeevveez,

    thanks for the links you added to my blog.

    i have to disagree with brit-am's arguments on the japanese not being descended from israelites. his opinions seems very biased and unscientific to me. he also seems to possess very little understanding of japanese history, people and culture.

    anyways, i will continue to do my research. thanks for your site, it's a very great idea.

  4. Yair Davidiy, an expert on the issue of the lost tribes claims that the Japanese
    are not Hebrews! See:
    “Certain parties have begun claiming that the Japanese were descended in part from Ancient Israelites. Similarity of religious customs and the like are adduced as evidence of Hebrew origin. The following article examines the evidence and refutes it. There may however be a non-Israelite Semitic element (such as Edom) in Japan as explained below”.


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