Sunday, November 12, 2006


Shabbat Magen David
The following paragraph is from Dr. Asher Eder’s book The Star of David, which was published in 1987 in English in Jerusalem by Rubin Mass Ltd. The publication here is courtesy of Oren Mass
This version includes corrections and new materials that do not appear on the printed version
It was probably in the course of this grand vision that the Apostle Paul suggested to his Gentile followers that they include the word abba in prayers of the heart: "You have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry abba, Father."
The word abba can be read from left to right and from right to left, both in its original Aramaic and in Hebrew, and it is the same with its Greek or Latin transcript. In Aramaic and Hebrew, it is composed of the otiot aleph-beth-aleph, aleph meaning one, origin or guiding principle, and beth meaning two, or house.
Beth, in this context, may well imply that Creation is the House in which the process of tangible growth takes place. We can say that everything comes from aleph (the One), passes beth (the world of polarities and multiples), and reunites with aleph.
This house has many mansions, for Jews as well as for Christians, Muslims, and other religious devotees. Since every human tenant is a descendant of the first Adam, it should be possible to recognize not only the Fatherhood of God but also the Brotherhood of Man. There should be no need for quarrel or strife, as it is said: "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together also in unity."
The Hebrew word rendered by "dwell" is shevet. It is spelled with the same otiot (letters) as the word shabbathשבת ,. Shabbath is the day of rest, even the rest of God, into which we are destined to enter and where we shall dwell after our "six days of work" are complete. Our weekly Shabbath is a symbol for this final goal.
If we take the six outer triangles of our Star of David to symbolize the six days of the week, it's middle field could well correspond to the seventh or Shabbath day, as said. Embedded in the center, it marks the culmination of creation as well a s the interior of us humans in the image of the Creator. Thus, violating Shabbat flouts the laws of creation and the core of our being. True, beyond this created, time-bound world there exist infinity and eternity - the "eighth" day - but in our present world, we are subject to time and space, and have to take these into account. Thus, the Star represents a harmonious balance of forces - the divine at the center, and the material world organized around it.

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