Saturday, June 03, 2006

Jewish Wedding Stones

Chuppa stone from Wurzburg

Courtesy of Prof. Shalom Sabar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

In the ancient synagogue of Freudental there's a Chuppa Stone which was used in marriage ceremonies: the groom had to smash his glass of wine against this stone in memory of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.
G.S. Oegema has a whole chapter (9) about the "six pointed star on Huppa stones" in his book Realms of Judaism, 1996 [ISBN 3-631-30192-8] where he mentions researcher Falk Wiesemann who found in Germany twenty two such stones (traustein or Hochzeitsstein). The first was found in Mainz and it's from 1691. On many of these stones there was engraved a Star of David.
IMHO the Star of David on wedding stones symbolizes Jerusalem (Zion) which is remembered by Jews especially when they have the best reasons to rejoice…

Chuppa stone from Altenkunstadt Synagogue 1726

Hochzeitsstein der Synagoge in de:Ehrstädt
Source: German Wikipedia Entry: Hochzeitsstein

Chuppa stone from Heinsheim-synagoge
Source: German Wikipedia Entry: Hochzeitsstein

Chuppa stone from the synagogue in Heidingsfeld

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