Friday, May 12, 2006


Rabbi Ben-Zion Bar-Ami, The inventor of the "Word Sculpture", created a Micrography work titled Magen David the Story of David and Goliath (Samuel Chapter 17).

 The work shows a large Magen David that is made off 18 corners. Number 18 is a hint to the word Chai (alive). In this Magen David frame there are 18 small perfect Magen Davids; each of them has 18 lines. The spaces in the work symbolize the spiritual power of the nation.  In the center of the work there are 32 characters which build the 10 Hebrew words of the verse: The LORD [is] my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD [is] the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? [Psalms 27:1]. 10 symbolize holiness!

Photo of Micrography Magen David  is courtesy of Rabbi Ben-Zion Bar-Ami


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