Saturday, May 27, 2006

Discovering New Possibilities

For me the Star of David is about discovering new possibilities: the upper right and the upper left triangles are like arrows showing the way to opposite sides.  There are football players who use both legs in the same virtuosity, but I kick the ball much better with my right leg. I write with my right hand much better than I do with my left hand. What will it take to train the left to equal the right; to train the weak to equal the strong? These are new possibilities. This kind of thinking shows you who you are (right handed) and what are the directions you can explore. There's a whole new world if your right hand goes on strike and you are forced to use only your left hand…


For me the Star of David is about discovering new worlds: the bottom right triangle may symbolize the active voice in grammar while and the bottom left triangle may symbolize the passive voice – they are like arrows showing the way to opposite sides. There are whole novels written without a certain letter, but I didn't hear yet about a whole novel written in the passive voice. Usually we describe how WE ate the breakfast – not how the breakfast made its way down towards our stomachs… This kind of thinking shows you where you stand and opens new horizons of never-taken-choices.


I leave it to you, dear reader, to contemplate the possibilities of the up and down arrows and what's even more complicated – to imagine what the right and left DIAGONAL opposites could symbolize…


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