Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hanging the Israeli Flags on My Balcony

Balcony magen david
I never felt the need to hang these white flags with their blue Stars of David on my balcony, although I was born the same year the state of Israel was born. I remember kids who were born the same DAY the state of Israel was born who were invited to the presidents' house on Independence Day – and I'm sure they all hang the flags without thinking about it too much; They and their children and their grandchildren. Not thinking too much was the reason I didn't hang the flag for so many years – there was no need to change my habits.
This year is different – I have this blog, which delves into the deep mysteries of the Star of David, and I follow the meaningful history of this symbol through the ages. I guess that's why I found myself joyfully hanging the Israeli flags on my balcony this morning. Maybe my next generations will hang it too - because of me...

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