Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Flickr is the best digital photo sharing website I know. I use it for a few years and enjoy every minute:

  • The upload is very fast
  • Arranging photos as a set is cute
  • Viewing photos as a slide show is very elegant
  • Retrieving photos by tags is very efficient

The only trouble was that I couldn't retrieve my photos from the public zone – only from my private zone. I sent an email to Flickr help desk and got a prompt answer that my account is NIPSA [Not in Public Site Areas]. "If you remove or privatize your non-photos, we can re-review your account and update your status" They added.


So I went over all my photos and deleted all the photomontages and all the screen shots and asked Flickr help desk to update my status.  I got a prompt answer that my account is now "public".


The point is that from today on if you look on Flickr for "Star of David" or for "Magen David" – you get a whole page of my thumbnails!



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