Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Decorations and Medals

The Star of David appears on the following Decorations and Medals of the State of Israel:
1. Heroism Decoration-"Awarded for exceptional courage during fighting, against the face of the enemy, while risking one’s life... This award is estimated to have been awarded around 40 times (perhaps half these awards posthumous)".
2. Police Heroism Order
3. Volunteers Ribbon -Awarded to people who lived in the territory of the state of Israel and served in the UK armed forces or in the Turkish armed forces during WW1.
4. Badge for service with British Forces during WWII
5. Nazi Fighter Ribbon and Medal 

- Awarded to Israeli citizens who, during WW II, fought against the Nazis as partisans or as underground movement members and to veterans of the Soviet armed forces who have emigrated to Israel.

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